
Obama Sold Scarcity While Indulging Excess

After Democrats stop funding and producing studies, metrics, metadata confirming the "falsity" of the misery of Obama's reign, they might trip over reality--Many people weren't living the "dream" reported by the Administration and media designed to cherry-pick facts to explain why what seemed bad was really good.

In fact, as Americans lived with unemployment themselves, or their children's, or their friends, the appeal of the ever "optimistic" jobs reports became a flat non-news event, often restated at a later date, often irrelevant to non-working America. In fact, as Americans lived with the squeeze of mandatory purchase of the insurance product of health insurance, listening to the President talk about "universal health CARE" in the US was not only inaccurate, but insulting.

In fact, as the President rocked his preachiest tones about the non-amnesty amnesty he was creating by executive order bypassing Congress to grant ILLEGAL immigrants the right to not only have a "clean slate" from the persistent and accompanying crimes often part of that illegal immigration including false IDs, driving without a license, providing false information, but to also participate as citizens in the workforce in the face of double-digit youth unemployment among citizens was a prioritization that had become all too familiar to us under Obama--Anyone but Americans first.

It was the failure of Obama's preachy rhetoric in contrast to his indulgences that finally awakened the American people. And as the President runs around indulging his LEGACY TOUR, preaching, lecturing and selectively recalling his successes no doubt he'll pine nostalgic for the "hope" of Obamacare, ignoring the sheer misery it's created in the lives of millions of Americans, even those alleged 20 million of whom he brags who now have health insurance who as law-abiding citizens were compliant with the mandate to purchase the consumer financial product of health insurance.

But Republicans are not without blame because of their indulgence in a rigid equally unrealistic preachy obsession with how everyone else should live, particularly their brutal hard-facts approach to "entitlements," even as these public employee hypocrites bypassed the very laws they imposed on others leaving their own public employee benefits drastically superior to what American citizens outside their circle experience.

And so it was not only paying attention to America and Americans that made Trump worthy of a shot, but Trump's disassociation from the Obamas and Paul Ryans in our country. And when it comes to Obamacare, a President Trump should not forget this as Paul Ryan, the entrenched brat of the Republican Party tries to climb his way to a continued public employment career.

What this means for consumers is advocating that the swamp live with whatever national policy is implemented about healthcare--That means that even now as public employees enjoy benefits far superior to many Americans and definitely cheaper since we pay up to 72 percent of their premiums, that making sure that public employees are bound by the law is job one.

What it also means is that we shouldn't be distracted by the old kill Medicare and make everyone pay through the nose for needed healthcare that these currently exempted public employee class advocate UNLESS THEIR government old-age pensions that they pay into much as American citizenry has paid into Social Security and Medicare are also drastically reduced, slashed and left as unfunded memories.

It also means that public employees must face any provisions for "continuous coverage" that are imposed on the rest of Americans, a concept that is like the individual mandate that penalizes individuals for lapses in health insurance coverage EVEN IF it's from job loss, etc., making it possible for insurers to charge them lots more (as punishment) for such lapse. This means that Americans must still purchase health insurance or face a penalty--Not OK.

The true legacy of Obama is a lesson in government class privilege and indulgence in contrast to the austere and drastic skinning of the American people--We notice.

We notice when these individuals who are placed in office by us, supported by us screw us and preserve their own place--That is Obamacare, that is public employee benefits, that is public employee pensions. After all, eight percent of the federal budget goes to paying veterans and RETIRED FEDERAL WORKERS their benefits. That's just RETIREES, (see "Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go?" 3/4/2016, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.) And in 2016, $267 Billion was paid out for public employee federal worker salaries and benefits, (See Chris Edwards, Reducing the Costs of Federal Worker Pay and Benefits, 9/20/2016).

We noticed that Obama gave raises to public employees for five of his eight years even as American wages stagnated. We noticed that Obama, the sport, raised the amount of money paid to federally contracted workers even as worker pay stagnated. We noticed that Obama, the sport, blew money to make it seem like Obamacare was working by bribing insurance companies to participate in his grand scheme with risk corridor payments, designed to limit insurance company losses even though at its peak enrollment most optimistically presented by the government enrollment only covered 11.1 million Americans and didn't count those who were on exchanges because their other alternatives had dried up, those who were left with no options because of the family glitch and the majority of Americans who found themselves paying more for less coverage as plans raised premiums and increased copayments, coinsurance and deductibles for the rest of the world outside the world of Obamacare.

We noticed when the Obama Administration that provided no or minimal COLA (cost of living adjustments) to older Americans under social security and higher payments for Medicare services while somehow having enough money to go to court to fight for the right to pay MORE money out under a strained interpretation of "exchanges established by the states" (King v. Burwell) and won that right, even as millions of the poorest Americans got no relief but to be "exempted," excused from paying a fine if they didn't have health insurance because they were too poor, or homeless, or had been evicted, or had their utilities turned off (healthcare.gov exemptions).

We noticed when the President's Administration simply decided not to count the money paid on administering Obamacare, government infrastructure, staffing, benefits for employees even as it bragged that somehow it was saving money PER CAPITA on the people using health services under Medicaid or Medicare, which in an environment of rising prices for health services was only accomplished by requiring patients to pay more or not getting the same availability of services and providers.

We noticed when the President watched impotently as food stamp programs were slashed, as long-term unemployment benefits were slashed, as the tax deduction for medical expenses over 7.5 percent lapsed and became a 10 percent threshold, as the payroll tax deduction lapsed making employees pay two percent more in taxes even as the President and his fans told us how great things were.

And so there is a legacy of Obama, the stark contrast between scarcity and indulgence that undercuts a President who would be king.

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